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Laboratory Medicine & Pathology

Laboratory Medicine & Pathology

The motto of Laboratory Services at Mar Sleeva Medicity Palai is ‘Accurate results as early as possible’. The Department provides clinical services in Biochemistry, Immunochemistry, Pathology, Haematology, Microbiology and Serology. Our core laboratory utilizes state of the art, integrated, fully automated systems with optimized specimen handling to minimize turnaround time; 24×7 days a week.
The Central Laboratory is interfaced with an electronic physician ordering system for seamless, error free report transmission and distribution. We have a team of highly experienced Doctors specialized in Pathology and Microbiology along with excellent Lab technicians.

For more details contact
Mar Sleeva Medicity Palai: 04822-269500/ 269700/ 359900

 Our Lab medicine team follows strict quality control protocols to ensure unmatched accuracy and precision in results. In addition, there is a centralized OPD blood collection facility (phlebotomy unit) working under the control of Laboratory Medicine department.Molecular diagnostics including DNA testing is also done at Mar Sleeva Medicity Palai. The branch of Cytogenetics however, is on the anvil in the near future. Our lab is also equipped in Reproductive biology testing. The Laboratory division works in close association with the Blood Bank to smoothen the testing of blood specimens in order to provide blood transfusion and related services.

Mar Sleeva Hospital is regarded as the best palliative hospital Kottayam has to offer from all the hospitals in Kottayam for an excellent reason. We practice an integrated approach in both home care and inpatient care, where the primary treating consultants are constantly informed so that the best possible health care can be provided.

Our Doctors

Dr. Rosamma Thomas
Dr. Rosamma Thomas

Senior Consultant & Head - Laboratory Medicine & Pathology

Dr. Gerald Johnson
Dr. Gerald Johnson

Consultant- Laboratory Medicine & Pathology

Dr. Minu Reeba Thomas
Dr. Minu Reeba Thomas

Consultant- Laboratory Medicine & Pathology

Doctors vector
Affordable Treatment

Affordable Treatment

We provide the most affordable treatment in the health sector.

Holistic Care

Holistic Care

Full-fledged Modern medicine, Ayurveda and Homoeopathy under one roof

Critical Medical Care

Critical Medical Care

Critical medical care for people who have life-threatening injuries and illnesses.