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Our Doctors

Dr. Arun George Tharayanil
Dr. Arun George Tharayanil

Senior Consultant - Neurology

Dr. Rajesh Antony
Dr. Rajesh Antony

Senior Consultant- Radiodiagnosis & Imaging

Dr. Manjula Ramachandran
Dr. Manjula Ramachandran

Senior Consultant- Nephrology

Dr. Ramesh M
Dr. Ramesh M

Senior Consultant – Medical Gastroenterology

Dr. Manjuraj K P
Dr. Manjuraj K P

Senior Consultant- Surgical Gastroenterology

Dr. Rajeev Abraham
Dr. Rajeev Abraham

Consultant- Cardiology

Dr. Krishnan C
Dr. Krishnan C

Senior Consultant – Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery

Air Cmde (Dr) Pauline Babu (Retd)
Air Cmde (Dr) Pauline Babu (Retd)

Senior Consultant- Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Dr. Jibin K Thomas
Dr. Jibin K Thomas

Senior Consultant- General & Laparoscopic Surgery

Dr. Rony Benson
Dr. Rony Benson

Consultant – Medical & Hemato Oncology

Dr. Vijay Radhakrishnan
Dr. Vijay Radhakrishnan

Senior Consultant- Urology

Dr. Jiss Thomas
Dr. Jiss Thomas

Senior Consultant- Paediatrics

Dr. Agitha Kumari
Dr. Agitha Kumari

Senior Consultant – Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Dr. Jaisy Thomas
Dr. Jaisy Thomas

Senior Consultant- Pulmonary Medicine

Dr. Mathew James
Dr. Mathew James

Senior Consultant - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Dr. Roy Zacharia
Dr. Roy Zacharia

Senior Consultant- Homoeopathy

Dr. Pooja T Amal
Dr. Pooja T Amal

Consultant- Ayurveda

Dr. John Mathew
Dr. John Mathew

Senior Consultant - ENT & Laryngology

Dr. Raga Panicker
Dr. Raga Panicker

Consultant - Laryngologist , ENT Surgeon

Fr. Jojo Mathew Chennattu
Fr. Jojo Mathew Chennattu

Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Angel Thomas
Dr. Angel Thomas

Senior Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Josy J Vallippalam
Dr. Josy J Vallippalam

Consultant- Neurology

Dr. Jose Kunnel Paul
Dr. Jose Kunnel Paul

Consultant- Neurology

Dr. Thomas Mathew
Dr. Thomas Mathew

Consultant- Nephrology

Dr. Ramdas Nayak H
Dr. Ramdas Nayak H

Senior Consultant & Head of Cardiac Sciences

Dr. James Thomas
Dr. James Thomas

Senior Consultant - Cardiology

Dr. Biby Chacko Olari
Dr. Biby Chacko Olari

Senior Consultant- Cardiology

Dr. Sherin Dominic
Dr. Sherin Dominic


Dr. T Geetha
Dr. T Geetha

Senior Consultant – Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. Sabita Augustine
Dr. Sabita Augustine

Senior Consultant – Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. Parvathy Das
Dr. Parvathy Das

Consultant – Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Dr. Sr. Betty Varghese
Dr. Sr. Betty Varghese

Consultant – Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Dr. Anand S.
Dr. Anand S.

Consultant- Endocrinology

Dr. Prijith Abraham Thomas
Dr. Prijith Abraham Thomas

Consultant- Medical Gastroenterology

Dr. Philip Daniel
Dr. Philip Daniel

Consultant- Medical Gastroenterology

Dr. A G Harisankar
Dr. A G Harisankar

Associate Consultant- Surgical Gastroenterology

Dr. Kiran Nath A . V
Dr. Kiran Nath A . V

Associate Consultant- Surgical Gastroenterology

Dr. Sr. Celine George
Dr. Sr. Celine George

Senior Consultant- General & Laparoscopic Surgery

Dr. Joy Mani Theckedathu
Dr. Joy Mani Theckedathu

Senior Consultant - General Medicine

Prof. Dr. Sheela Kurian V
Prof. Dr. Sheela Kurian V

Senior Consultant – General Medicine

Dr. Jubil Jose Kurian
Dr. Jubil Jose Kurian

Senior Consultant – General Medicine

Dr. Prince Joseph
Dr. Prince Joseph

Consultant - General Medicine

Surg Cmde (Dr.) Khalil Isaac Mathai (Retd.) VSM
Surg Cmde (Dr.) Khalil Isaac Mathai (Retd.) VSM

Senior Consultant - Neurosurgery & Spine Surgery

Dr. Sareesh Kumar M K
Dr. Sareesh Kumar M K

Senior Consultant - Neurosurgery & Spine Surgery

Dr. Vijaykumar Menon
Dr. Vijaykumar Menon

Senior Consultant - Neurosurgery & Spine Surgery

Dr. Jofin K Johny
Dr. Jofin K Johny

Consultant- Surgical Oncology

Dr. Jyothi V.S
Dr. Jyothi V.S


Dr. Sreelakshmi Prasanth
Dr. Sreelakshmi Prasanth


Dr. Rajeev P. B
Dr. Rajeev P. B

Senior Consultant- Orthopaedics

Dr. Sijo Sebastian
Dr. Sijo Sebastian

Consultant- Orthopaedics

Dr. Joseph J Pullattu
Dr. Joseph J Pullattu

Consultant - Orthopaedics

Dr. Cherian Jerin Oommen
Dr. Cherian Jerin Oommen

Consultant- Paediatric Surgery

Dr. Sr. Jyothis James
Dr. Sr. Jyothis James

Senior Consultant - Paediatrics & Neonatology

Dr. Anil Narayanan
Dr. Anil Narayanan

Consultant- Pediatrics

Dr.Shipra Rachna Singh
Dr.Shipra Rachna Singh

Associate Consultant - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Dr. Anit Catherine Charls
Dr. Anit Catherine Charls

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Dr. Aneesh Joseph
Dr. Aneesh Joseph

Consultant - Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Dr. Rajkrishnan S
Dr. Rajkrishnan S

Consultant - Pulmonary Medicine

Dr. Merin Yohannan
Dr. Merin Yohannan

Consultant- Pulmonary Medicine

Dr. Basil Paul Kunnathu
Dr. Basil Paul Kunnathu

Consultant- Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology

Dr. Anita Ann Simon
Dr. Anita Ann Simon

Associate Consultant - Paediatrics

Dr. Anju Mary Jose
Dr. Anju Mary Jose

Associate Consultant - Paediatrics

Dr. Anita Ann Simon
Dr. Anita Ann Simon

Associate Consultant - Paediatrics

Dr. Jyothish Raj
Dr. Jyothish Raj

Associate Consultant - General Medicine

Dr. Tijo Ivan John
Dr. Tijo Ivan John

Consultant- Psychiatry

Affordable Treatment

Affordable Treatment

We provide the most affordable treatment in the health sector.

Holistic Care

Holistic Care

Full-fledged Modern medicine, Ayurveda and Homoeopathy under one roof

Critical Medical Care

Critical Medical Care

Critical medical care for people who have life-threatening injuries and illnesses.